In June 2013, I returned from holiday at my worst physical condition, tired from walking up a single flight of stairs, no control over what I ate and not doing any exercise. I was also a huge 18 Stone at nearly 38% Body Fat. At that time I knew I needed to make a change in my lifestyle and get fit! I joined a gym in August 2013, managing around 20 minutes of a 45 minute circuit before I was ready to pass out! Over the next 6 months I shed a little over 3 stone in weight just by simply exercising regularly, 4 to 5 times a week. In April of 2014 this weight loss dropped to just 2 lbs in the month and I knew it was time to address the bigger issues of building strength and looking at nutrition to achieve my goals.

Evolve Fitness did an initial consultation looking at my diet and lifestyle, current training programme and personal goals and objectives. From this information they built a bespoke training and nutritional plan. Since working with Evolve I have lost over 3 stone in weight and dropped nearly 10% body fat. The biggest driver helping me achieve my goals has been the compliments on how different I look, not only from people I haven’t seen for years but people who have noticed changes over a few weeks. If you are looking to make really positive change in how you look, live and feel I can’t recommend Evolve Fitness and Performance enough, I couldn’t have done it without the support and advice I received…


  • Completing the Prestwich Challenge in June 2014, an 8 Mile obstacle course through natural and man made obstacles.
  • Completing Tough Mudder in September 2014, one of the hardest things I’ve done but I cant wait for the next one!
  • Completing Men’s Health Survival of the Fittest in November 2014, on a very cold winter’s day.

Prak Patel


    If you’re ready to EVOLVE and give change a chance, start your journey to improve your Health & Fitness.
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